Introduction Freedom of expression and a free and independent judiciary mechanism are among key freedoms in liberal democracies. In liberal…
An Anatomy of Turkish Foreign Policy: 1995 – 2020, Issue #3: Turkey & Israel Introduction This study is second first…
Türk Dış Politikasının Anatomisi: 1995-2020, 2. Sayı GİRİŞ [voiserPlayer] Bu çalışma, “Türk Dış Politikasının Anatomisi” başlıklı araştırma projesinde Türk Dış…
Türk Dış Politikasının Anatomisi: 1995-2020, Sayı 1 [voiserPlayer] Bu rapor Türk dış politikasının son 25 yılının anatomisi hakkında kısa analizlerden…
An Anatomy of Turkish Foreign Policy: 1995 – 2020, Issue 2 Introduction This study is the first bilateral analysis of…
An Anatomy of Turkish Foreign Policy: 1995 – 2020, Issue 1 This report serves as an introduction to a series…
Commentary made by Enes Özkan, Economist and Chief Editor of Daktilo1984, on the Recent Developments in the Turkish Economy at…
Russia’s military operations in Ukraine have violated international law, norms, and all peaceful principles. It is interpreted that the attacks…
The world is witnessing one of the most tragic events of the 21. century with Russian attacks on Ukraine. The…
Ukraine has long been on the agenda related to its membership to EU and NATO and the threat of invasion…