In the ever-evolving field of artificial intelligence (AI), large language models (LLMs) have become essential tools for businesses, researchers, and…
Turkey’s successful gamble in Syria has opened many opportunities for the Turkish government on both domestic and international fronts. The…
David Ben-Gurion, the former Prime Minister of Israel, stated in 1955 about the significance of water resources: “Today, Israel is…
Today’s world is under the heavy influence of social media, and policy decisions made by big tech companies like Meta…
In previous days, a fire broke out in Selçuk district of İzmir, taking the lives of 5 siblings. The tragic…
Dilan Polat and her husband were released from prison after being held on charges of money laundering and tax evasion.…
Free speech is one of the most fundamental freedoms in democratic societies. In the United States, the First Amendment guarantees…
Antik Yunan’dan bu yana sorulan ideal yönetimin, toplumun ve/veya devletin nasıl olması gerektiğine dair süregiden merakın 17. yüzyıl sonlarından itibaren…
Giriş İlerleme kavramı giderek evrensel bir nitelik kazanan Batı uygarlığının normatif anlamda kurucu unsurlarından biridir. Her ne kadar Antik Yunan…
Karl Mannheim, ilk yayım tarihi 1929 olan eserinde muhafazakârlığı konumlandırırken onun yörüngesini, “liberalizmin yolunu tereddütlü şekilde takip etmek” ile çerçeveliyordu.[1]…